Don Price
Don oversees all aspects of design and construction for LM Custom Homes and is a Senior Vice President for Lagestee-Mulder, Inc.
Don has an extensive and diversified background in residential and commercial real estate, ranging from custom home building to commercial real estate asset management, development and investment. His custom home experience dates back to 1995 when he specialized in upscale custom homes in Chicago’s North Shore and Lincoln Park.
Don is a licensed Real Estate Broker in the State of Illinois and received a BS in Finance from Illinois State University and an MBA in finance and Real Estate from DePaul University.
Gwen Lampert 
Vice President, Accounting
Gwen manages the accounting and financial requirements for LM Custom Homes and is also a vice president in Lagestee-Mulder, Inc.’s Investment Group. Gwen brings 20 years of experience in residential and commercial real estate accounting finance.
As a CPA, registered in Illinois, Gwen provides project accounting services and manages the construction draw and administration processes for LM Custom Homes. Gwen is a licensed Broker in the State of Illinois and received a BS in Accountancy from the University of Colorado in Boulder and a Master of Science degree in Real Estate Appraisal and Investment Analysis from the University of Wisconsin at Madison.
LM Custom Homes
115 W. 55th Street Suite 300
Clarendon Hills, IL 60514
Office 630-560-2905
Fax 630-560-2910